Water holds nitrogen, the backbone of DNA and life. Atmospheric nitrogen is unusable for life because they are tightly bound to each other in the form of nitrogen gas requiring great amount of energy to break those bonds. But nature evolved single celled organisms called phytoplankton, a microscopic organism that live in water, fresh as well as sea water which can break nitrogen gas and fix it in water. Phytoplanktons can be a bacteria or a protist like diatoms and green algae. These small organisms are the foundation of food web. In the soil there are similar bacteria called diazotrophs. The airborne diazotrophs fixes nitrogen the in air which then drops on the soil to be used by plants.
The act of breaking apart nitrogen gas is known as “nitorgen fixation” which converts unusable nitrogen dioxide to usable forms such as ammonia and nitrogen oxides. Ammonia is formed when the broken up nitrogen, a single nitrogen atom, combines with hydrogen in the air. Nitrogen oxides are formed when they combine with oxygen in the air. Bacteria literally makes our foods. If we kill off all bacteria in the earth, we will all die of starvation. Fear of bacteria is an unfounded old concept that needs to be shed like old hairs. It’s true that bacteria do cause diseases but only when the body is already dead and diseased. Bacteria’s job is to recycle carbon and nitrogen bound up in proteins and tissues. When tissues are dead due to poison accumulation, bacteria comes to dismantle them. If your body is clean and your cells are healthy, no bacteria will come near it. Bacteria only hover over dead matter.
Water is an important element for total health, for the body is composed of 70% to 80% water. Water has cohesive force that keeps all structures of the body bound together like cement that holds bricks of a building. Water is the sustainer of life. Trillions of cells in the body are networked together in the medium of water. It does this by a chemical process called hydrogen-bonding where electropositive hydrogen atoms bonds with electronegative oxygen atom. Water is a polar molecule with both positive and negative charges, each ready to bond with any incoming substance with their own free electrons. This property makes water an excellent solvent able to dissolve all substances except fats and proteins. Hydrogen bonds are weak which gives water its property of liquidity unlike organic bonds of carbon atoms that are strong and solid. Water is the medium through which all functions of body are carried out, even electrical firings of the nervous system happens through ion exchange of water and salt. Hydrogen and oxygen in the water are important source of ions necessary of electricity.
A common misconception is that water is only a solvent, a medium of transport for important molecules like enzymes, hormones, and nutrients. But following points proves that water is more than a mere solvent, it has diverse and important life sustaining functions:
- Water is the glue that holds everything together. It is needed for protein folding and proteins build the body. Without water the body crumbles. Dehydration is a very common cause of many discomforts and diseases.
- Water is the medium in which most biochemical reactions occur, enzymes and proteins do not function properly without water.
- Water keeps the pH balance between acids and alkali. This balance is critical for health, when pH balance gets out of kilter most chemical reactions stops working.
- Water transports nutrient to cells and metabolic waste matters away from cells.
- Water lubricates joints.
- Hydroelectric energy is generated at cell membrane when water flows through it. This energy generated by water is used in the manufacture of ATP, the energy currency of the body.
- Water regulates body temperature by absorbing heat. It takes more energy to raise temperature of water than air of the same volume.
- Water transmits light so that we can absorb sun’s energy directly.
- Water stores information, it is a natural recorder and transmitter of frequencies.
- Water makes you more alert and mentally sharp. All electrical impulses in the brain and nerves require hydroelectricity.
- Water takes away wrinkles and makes skin look younger. A sign of good hydration is tight skin and good complexion.
- Water dissolves pain causing pro-inflammatory chemicals and takes away the pain, a free pain killer.
- Above all, water purifies everything. It is the greatest cleanser. Water gives a sense of satisfaction. It’s a molecule of love and attraction. Water not only makes us feel good, it also makes us look good.
Water is the only substance that can be in all states of matter; solid, liquid, plasma, and gas. Water keeps the pH balance and regulates body temperature. Balance of pH is one of the most important factors for health. Water keeps pH balance between acids and bases (alkali)—bases include electrolytes and minerals derived from food and water, acids are waste products of food metabolism. Without pH balance, chemical reactions cannot occur and body ceases to function properly. The body is alkaline by design and acidic by function, meaning the body is in healing and building mode in a slightly alkaline medium like seawater that fosters life. Natural foods and water are alkaline by design, but alkali turns acidic in the process of extracting energy during metabolism. Body’s waste matter are acidic in nature and there it’s acidic by function. Physical body is designed to thrive in a slightly alkaline medium like sea water. Human cells are like little aquatic animals living in an environment of alkaline water. That’s why drinking pure water is important for cell’s health.
When you drink sodas and other manufactured beverages in substitute for water, you are making a big mistake, these manufactured beverages do not provide any hydration effect even though they contain water. In fact they are even worse for hydration because the caffeine in these beverages drain water out of body. Sodas also contain phosphoric acid which absorbs water to neutralize their acidity. Avoid these artificial drinks and opt for pure and natural water.
Water’s role in maintaining pH balance is critical. Dehydration is a major cause of many diseases from asthma to pain. When you are dehydrated everything falls apart and pain starts to manifest. Kidneys are the organs of water which filter it out along with waste materials to be excreted. Following are the signs and symptoms of dehydration:
- Dehydrated individuals feel burnt, inflamed, irritated, restless, and angry. In Tibetan medicine, it is said that when water is deficient, fire element dominates the system and emotion of anger flares up. When you feel irritated and hot tempered, it is time to cool yourself by drinking more water.
- Mild dehydration causes generalized symptoms involving all or many systems of body. Because nerve cells are the most active cells at any given moment, they are the first to suffer, causing feeling of lethargy and laziness, tingling sensation in limbs (paresthesia), inability to sustain awareness and attention. Heart rate increases and capillaries dilate to push more blood to peripheral tissues. This cause a feeling of flush in the face and heavy-headedness. Headache, lethargy, muscle weakness, tiredness, nausea, dizziness, forgetfulness, confusion, and rapid shallow breathing are other symptoms.
- Skin becomes dry, pale, muddy, dirty, and wrinkled. Skin eruptions like pimples and rashes are common. Skin elasticity is reduced, pinch the skin and if it takes more than a second to return back to normal flat position. Delayed capillary refill time where blanching of skin takes longer time to return back to normal.
- Dry mucus membranes (dry mouth, dry throat, dry vagina), sunken eyes.
- Postural hypotension or feeling of dizziness when changing position from sitting to standing.
- Loss of appetite and weight loss in more protracted dehydration.
- Decreased urine output and diminished sweat. Urine is dark yellow to orange color indicating concentration of toxins. Urine with dark color and strong odor is a sure sign of dehydration. Urinary tract infections are common in chronic dehydration.
- Indigestion and stomachache. Colon becomes compacted with solid dry waste causing constipation. When intestines get clogged the food stays in the stomach longer which leads to fermentation and production of acid and gas causing heartburn and upset stomach.
- Diminished population of gut microbiome and consequent deficiency of vitman B complex, C, and K causing mouth sores, anemia, dry scaly skin, numbness and tingling sensations, impaired wound healing, and pale skin. Anxiety, depression, insomnia, irresistible cravings for food, thirst, and fear of crowd are other symptoms.
- Difficulty breathing due to acid damage of delicate tissues of lung alveoli. Because we lose lot of water through breathing, the body releases histamine, a hormone and a neurotransmitter which stimulate feeling of thirst to replenish lost water. Histamine also cause constriction of bronchioles in the lungs so that less air is blown out to conserve water causing symptoms of asthma. Asthma is not a disease by itself that the modern medical establishment has made it out to be. Asthma is a symptom complex of histamine release due to dehydration. Asthmatic kids should get off of toxic foods like soft drinks, ice creams, packaged snacks and candies, and fast foods and instead drink real water and eat real foods.
- Increasing acid load and fermentation in the mouth causes foul breath.
- Pain is an important symptom of dehydration. Muscles and joints become sore. Leg cramps are common. Tiredness is also caused by dehydration because water and electrolytes are needed to generate electromagnetic energy.
- When dehydration is severe, body’s waste materials become concentrated unable to be excreted out. Accumulated toxic materials irritate cells and tissues causing inflammation. Inflammation is body’s response to the threat of injury. When a poison injures a cell, it sends secondary messengers called cytokines to recruit first responder immune cells, white blood cells that ward off offending agents. This activity causes swelling, heat, redness, and pain, the four classic symptoms of inflammation. Pain is a body’s way of saying “Look at me! I am burning here, give me some water.” Some pains are like pin pricks, the pain of gouty arthritis caused by deposition of urea crystals even look like pins under microscope. Drinking more water dissolves these sharp pointy crystals and washes them away.
- Pain is the last cry of body’s thirst for water. When pain begins to be felt around the body, there’s severe shortage of water that needs to be corrected at once. Normally, if you are well hydrated the toxins produced in body are neutralized by water and you don’t feel any pain. They are then carried in bloodstream to be excreted through urine, feces, sweat, and lungs. But in severe dehydration accumulated toxins are shunted out of blood circulation into surrounding connective tissues to protect delicate organs like heart and brain. Most symptoms of severe dehydration are related to connective tissue damage: painful skin lesions, joint with arthritis pain; bronchial linings with chest pain; gut lining with indigestion and abdominal pain; bladder and urinary tract infections and kidney stones; liver, and gall bladder with cholecystitis and gallstone pain. Other localized symptoms are low back pain, fibromyalgia, headaches including migraines, and angina or heart pain. With extreme dehydration kidney failure ensues.