Mental force comes from magnetic core, the proton particles in the nucleus of every atom and every cell, from the core of our being. Ancient traditions say that the mind is in the middle, that thoughts comes from the heart, that’s why we point to our hearts when we designate our self. Origin of the word heart is from the old English hiertan which is a derivative of Sanskrit word hrdya which became kardia in Greek and cardia in Latin. Kardia means middle, central, or inmost part of anything. It also means the seat of intelligence, the soul, and spirit. Sanskrit hrdya means the seat of consciousness. Ancient people, east and west, knew that the heart in the center is the seat of intelligence and consciousness and modern medical researchers have proven this fact recently with discovery of system of neurons in the heart called intrinsic cardiac nervous system and also neurons in the gut called enteric nervous system. These two nervous systems exist in the center of the body. Perhaps the neurons in the gut receive new information and the brain simply processes them.

Heart is the most musical, resonant, and the most powerful organ that generate rhythmic patterns of information. Each new pulsation sends patterns of electromagnetic, hormonal, pressure, and neurological information reverberating throughout body. With its strong rhythmic beats, heart is the loudest organ that sets the tone for entire body.

The brain, on the other side, is in periphery like a military base stationed at the border to execute orders from central intelligence unit. The heart is like a central processing unit (CPU) of a computer system that distribute power to all peripheral units. The brain is like an operating system (OS) of a computer that sits on top of the CPU and depends on it for energy. An OS is a program that controls computer’s hardware on behalf of other programs. The web browser you are reading this in is a program that uses operating systems like Apple, Linux, Windows etc. The brain is a sense organ that controls the body on behalf of other senses just an operating system controls information from other hardware including mice, keyboard, touchpad, camera etc. An OS is an interface that connects outside information brought in through hardware with inside software programs which decodes and encodes the information. Similarly, the brain is an interface that connects outside information brought in through five sense organs, then decodes and encodes the information in the form of thoughts and memories. The brain is an encoder and decoder machine.

The brain controls the body through nervous system that uses electricity just as OS controls the computer through its electrical circuity. The brain is not the source of power and life. Power comes from the center, the heart. The heart is more than a pump, it is the center of intelligence and power. The brain, on the other hand, is the center of intellect. There is big difference between intellect and intelligence. Intellect is capacity to think and know through logical conclusion using methods, calculations, and deductions. Intelligence is active and experiential knowing of information instantaneously in the present moment. Intellect is concerned with information about the past (memory) and calculates—because such and such happened in the past, such and such might happen in the future (imagination). Intelligence is concerned with information that is useful for the present moment where life happens. In other words, intellect is knowledge of the past and future concerned with time and intelligence is knowledge of the present which is timeless. The brain’s intellect uses heart’s intelligence, both must operate together. One is useless without the other.

Thoughts are atomic energy that circulates throughout the body to carry out different functions. Without thoughts, motion and life is not possible. Thought controls everything, even to move a finger, the mind must first initiate that movement with a thought of intention. Every minute detail of operating the body is stored in the brain in the form of unconscious thought patterns called memory which functions through the autonomic nervous system that operates automatically in the background without conscious awareness. This is the power of unconscious mind, it takes of the body unconsciously and automatically.

The brain is an information receiver, processor, and broadcaster. Processing information and subsequent production and broadcasting of thoughts makes it look like as if the brain is producing new information but that is not the case. New information is always received from the center just as a fetus in mother’s womb receives all information, including nutrients, from umbilical cord in the center. Information is stored in the kernel of a seed in the center. DNA, the reservoir of biological information, exist in the center of cells. Translation and processing of information and actual production of proteins occurs in peripheral membranes. Heart, in the center, is the source of new information and enlightenment that powers to light up neurons in the head. Thoughts in your head are simply outer manifestation of what is in your heart.  Intelligence and information reside in the core of our being. The physical heart has its own nervous system, its own source of excitation and electrical system. The brain doesn’t tell the heart when and how to get excited because the heart has its own nodes of excitement generating machinery. Yes, the brain has influence over heart, it can speed up or slow it down, but its intrinsic beat is generated from within. The gift of life starts from the heart when it first starts beating at four weeks of age in mother’s womb, the brain wasn’t even developed at that stage.

Thoughts and psychological inputs have the most crucial role in health and disease. Thoughts are the quantum nutrients that sustains or destroys the body. Mind is the controller of the body and thoughts are vehicle through which this control is orchestrated. Thoughts are information signals like TV and mobile phone signals. These signals traverse the etheric medium in the environment  ready to be picked up by any instrument that has receptors for specific frequency of signal. When your cell phone picks up a signal, it has receiver frequency that matches with signal frequency, a signal-receptor match. Each TV or radio channel has their own specific frequency and the device has to be tuned to that channel for reception to occur. The body works in a similar way, there are trillions of receptors in the body, each cell has perhaps hundreds of receptors on their surface to communicate with outside world. We don’t know exactly how many receptors are there because receptor studies are done fewer and far between in the medical establishments. We only know of receptors that drug companies target their product development. But we know for a fact that every chemical entity such as hormones and neurotransmitters have their own specific receptor, insulin has insulin receptor, neurotransmitters have receptors that are adrenergic and cholinergic which deals with sympathetic and parasympathetic respectively, GABA receptors are used by pharmaceutical drugs like sleeping pills, opoid receptors are used by pain killers. Pharmaceutical companies know the fact that for their drugs to work they need to be matched up with appropiate receptors. But these are all chemical receptors for chemical drugs which comes with detrimental side effects. The future of medicine is going to be physics oriented especially quantum physics dealing with electromagnetism. Engineers are already using electromagnetism in cell phones and computers. Thoughts are electromagnetic in nature which means there are receptors on cells for thoughts. More research needs to be done in this field.

Mind and the Senses

The brain is in the periphery like all other information gathering sense organs: eyes, ears, tongue, nose, and skin. Brain is the inner sense organ that receive information from outer sense organs and form proper responses for the body to carry out through production of thoughts. The brain is an information processing unit that translates information from sense organs into thoughts. Thoughts are then used to instruct the body for action and reaction. There is no action without thoughts, a thought precedes every action, conscious or unconscious. 

The mind processes information gathered from environment by five sense organs to produce thoughts. Thoughts are atomic energy that circulates throughout the body to carry out different functions. Without thoughts, motion and life is not possible. Thought controls everything, even to move a finger, the mind must first initiate that movement with a thought of intention. Every minute detail of operating the body is stored in the brain in the form of unconscious thought patterns called memory which functions through the autonomic nervous system that operates automatically in the background without conscious awareness. This is the power of unconscious mind.
Thought is the vehicle of life-force and consciousness. Thoughts are like the waves of ocean that mobilize consciousness. Consciousness is a static entity, thoughts initiate motion. Motion is the essential condition of life and so life is not possible without thoughts. Every moving object has thought associated with it. Animals have thoughts and even insects, the difference being that we are self-conscious and aware of our thoughts.

Just like any other system, the mental system operates through input-output mechanism. The input mechanism makes the sensory system containing five physical senses of sound, touch, sight, taste, smell and their corresponding sense organs; ears, skin, eyes, tongue, nose, and the sixth mental sense and its organ, the brain. The five physical senses receive information from the physical dimension of existence and the sixth mental sense receives from the non-physical realm, the receiver organ is the heart. The output mechanism is handled by the brain which processes all information and transforms them into thoughts in the form of electrical and chemical signals. Thoughts are an expression mechanism for consciousness carried out by motor system of the body which includes speech organs, hands, feet, excretory organs, and sexual organs. 

The sense organs and motor organs are part of the mind because they function together as one unit. Without sense organs, there is nothing for the mind to process and without motor organs, mental thoughts cannot be expressed. Mind’s function is to process incoming information to gain perception and translate that information into physical action for expression.

The main function of the brain is to receive, process, and then transmit information, hence the brain is a transceiver. It receives information through different mediums; space with sound, air with pressure and contact, light with vision, water with taste and solid matter with smell. This diverse information exists in the form of vibrations, which are then translated and transformed into bits of image by the brain. These bits of image make up thoughts. A thought is bit of image just as pixel is bit of image and therefore, a thought is an image in the mind. When one becomes conscious of that thought it’s called imagination, otherwise it’s called thinking. Thinking is an unconscious activity while imagination is conscious. 

Buddhism has studied mind extensively and explains that the mind is that which perceives and knows an object by the power of senses. Knowing happens by a process of contact between physical sensual data and non-physical mental processes giving rise to the phenomenon of consciousness. Consciousness, therefore, includes both physical and non-physical entities, both mind and


Notice that the thinking consciousness is classified under matter consciousness. That’s because thoughts are things. A thought is an image made of electrons, a matter in the mind.

The medical establishment puts a lot of emphasis on brain being the center of everything, the master organ, with the presumption that thoughts originate in the brain. But on careful analysis, we find that brain acts more like a storage facility and processor of information than a generator of information. It receives information from the senses and processes them, but it doesn’t seem to generate new information. New information comes from outside of the self, from the environment. That’s the whole purpose of life, to experience new information that are beyond the self. If everything is self-generated, if the brain generates all thoughts from within, then we won’t have any new experiences and life becomes pointless. 

Other scientists argue in favor of brain generating thoughts with application of emergence theory. But the problem with that is that emergence theory applies to the outer world where all the conditions necessary for a thing to emerge is present but the brain is encased in a bony skull separated from the outer world, its conditions are what we provide for it. If we provide garbage, it will simply spit out garbage, garbage in, garbage out. It doesn’t have access to myriad conditions that nature has access to for evolution and emergence of new stuff. Obviously, the emergence theory can be applied to the brain but the result is still limited. Limited conditions means limited result.

The point is that mind is not limited to the brain, mind is everywhere. Every cell has its own intelligence to fend for itself and to communicate with others. That’s a mark of presence of mind. Your big toe has its own mind, when it suffers from gouty arthritis it communicates with the rest of the body that its hurting including your brain. If it’s a dumb thing like a rock, we won’t feel anything.

Mind is a force, it has its own energy, its own characteristics and qualities. We can know when mental force is sluggish or hyperactive as follows: 

Sluggish Mental Force

  • Lethargy
  • Worries
  • Fear
  • Anxiety
  • Shortness of breath
  • Uneasiness
  • Absence of fun and playfulness
  • Feeling of dizziness
  • Unconsciousness

Excessive Mental Force

  • Insomnia
  • Fidgety
  • Rough speech
  • Rough skin
  • Dark complexion
  • Decreased body strength and weight loss
  • Trembling of limbs
  • Fear of cold and longing for heat
  • Constipation

Sluggish mental force can be strengthened by increasing electrolyte concentration in the body. Consumption of water is the fastest way to replenish electrolytes. Complete and full breathing and increasing the level of consciousness both helps tremendously.

Excessive mental force means excessive thinking which is countered by increasing awareness and consciousness because thoughts operate unconsciously. The best way to increase consciousness is conscious breathing. Breathe with awareness.

This is the heading

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