Emotional force is electric and fiery. It transforms magnetic thoughts into electricity and chemical messengers like hormones and peptides. Emotional force transforms thoughts into things. Thoughts in the mind are expressed by the body with the help of emotions. A thought is electromagnetic in nature which is invisible, emotions are electric in nature which is visible. A smile on your face is expressed by muscle tissues that are stimulated by electrical and chemical signals created by pleasing thoughts in the mind. Emotion is an electrical force that illuminates the dark recesses of thoughts. Emotions makes thoughts visible.

Emotional force is electric and hot, it transforms everything it touches like fire. All biotransformative reactions in the body are carried out by this force. When your skin color changes to red with anger you are in the grips of emotional force. The metabolic machinery which transforms food into nutrient energy is controlled by the electric force. Nutrients are carried by the blood and therefore emotional force is closely tied to blood system of the body. The blood carries hormones and neuropeptides that stimulate cells and tissues. When you blush, the blood rushes to your face and makes your thoughts of shame visible.

Emotional force generates heat and transforms everything. The metabolic heat transforms food into nutrients that cells can use to extract energy. Metabolic processes are of two kinds:

  1. Catabolism is a destructive process that breaks down proteins into simple molecules with the help of enzymes and hormones.
  2. Anabolism is a constructive process that builds proteins with enzymes, hormones, and vitamins

Emotional force generates heat and keeps body warm. It is a feeling force, the conduit through which we experience and feel objects around us. It sits in the middle between mind and body, transforming mental thoughts into physical sensations and vice versa, a transformer that transforms information into physical matter. For example, when you are pleased by a friend, that pleasant information is translated by emotional force into neuropeptides, neurotransmitters, and hormones to be expressed as happy feeling in the form of smiles and hugs. A thought of happiness (mental) translated into smile (physical) is emotion.

The mind and emotion work together, they are the yin and the yang, the father and mother that gives birth to their child, the physical body. Mind and emotion always work together just as electricity and magnetism always go together. The body is electromagnetic.

People fear emotion and perceive it to be destructive, like fire that destroys everything on its path. But if we look deeper at quantum level, fire do not destroy, it simply transforms matter into energy and vice versa. Transformation of food matter into energy by the digestive enzyme is a process of change that appears destructive on the surface but in reality digestion helps build tissues.

Emotion is the agent of transformation. For something to appear, something else must disappear, for one thing to come to life another one must die. Death is a process of transformation; it is not the end. This is in accord with modern scientific law of conservation of energy i.e. energy cannot be destroyed, it can only be transformed.

Memory plays a crucial role in emotion. For example, if someone says, “Giskehn iskhareiv ial boeienndhaj” that doesn’t mean anything to you because this new information doesn’t match anything in your memory files and so you feel nothing, there is no attraction or repulsion with that utterance. But if someone says, “Hello! friend, you look good today.” then there is a match with your memory, and you feel good emotion.

Mind is ephemeral, always in motion and changing constantly. The body is the opposite, lifeless and static. Emotion is in the middle which gives stability to the mind and movement to the body. The body is like a piece of food, the mind can only look at the food, it is the feeling that is able to taste. Just by looking at the food, we can’t experience the taste of it. Only by tasting, we come to know what that food is, whether it is good or bad. Feelings tell us everything, they tell us what our mind is thinking and what our body is doing. And since feeling and thought always go together, paying attention to feelings will enlighten us about our mind and it’s never ending thoughts.

It is also important to pay attention to feelings because the body is made by the mind. When mind tells us to eat this or that, that act of eating food gives energy to construct body. If we just pay attention to the mind and ignore emotion, then construction of the body can go wrong. If we just look at the blueprint (mind) and ignore the builders (emotion), then construction is going to be faulty. This is what is happening to many people who are morbidly obese, they are out of touch with their feelings. If we know our emotions, then we can know our thoughts. If something doesn’t feel right, we have the power to change the thoughts that led to that feeling because it is much easier to change thoughts than to change feelings.

The emotional force is obvious and self-evident, it is right here and right now, something that we can get hold of and measure with instruments. If there are bad thoughts leading to bad feelings and unhealthy body, then by paying attention to feelings one can change any bad thoughts into good thoughts. Paying attention to emotions and feelings points us towards the kind of thoughts we have been thinking because emotion is the translator of thoughts.

Feelings tells us the state of our body and mind at any given moment. The cause of feeling is the mind and effect is the body. Emotion and feelings depend on the body for its expression and on the mind for its source. An unbalanced body, mind, and emotion will give rise to feelings of dis-ease and pain. A mind full of negative thoughts will give rise of feeling of dis-ease. When the body and mind are working naturally, there won’t be any feeling or awareness of them but when something goes wrong in the body or the mind, feelings of disharmony and pain asserts itself. If your stomach is functioning normally, you won’t be aware of it but if you have an indigestion you would feel bloating and discomfort.

Symptoms of Weak Emotion

  • Dull complexion with no lustre
  • Feeling of coldness and longing for warmth
  • Indigestion and malabsorption
  • Loss of appetite

Symptoms of Excessive Emotion

  • Pale yellowish complexion
  • Burning sensation and longing for cold
  • Quick to anger
  • Excessive thirst and appetite
  • Yellow, red, or green discoloration of eyes, skin, urine, and stool

Weak emotional force can be strengthened by motion and exercise, fire needs air for increase. Strong emotional force is countered by increasing water content and consumption of cool liquid.

Emotions are the central affairs in human life and yet there are no curriculum and syllabuses designed to teach about emotions in schools nor are there any lessons on money and personal finance.  Two of the most important and fundamental areas of knowledge; health and finance, are completely ignored in the halls of education. Instead, we are taught to use our brain and intellect more than our heart and emotion, to use reasoning over intelligence, logic over intuition, and thinking over feeling. Emotions, instincts, and intuitions are considered like wild horses that must be reined in with reasoning and willpower. By emphasizing thinking over feeling, we shift the center of focus from heart to head which shifts the center of gravity from center to periphery. No wonder we feel unbalanced and dis-eased in life.

The head is in the periphery like all other information gathering sense organs: eyes, ears, tongue, nose, and skin. The principal function of the brain is to receive information from these sense organs and to form proper responses for the body to carry out through production of thoughts. The brain is an information processing unit that translates information from sense organs into thoughts. Thoughts are then used to instruct the body for action and reaction. There is no action without thoughts, a thought precedes every action, conscious or unconscious. The brain is a thought producing machine. But not every thought materializes into things instantly, only those thoughts that qualifies as a belief and repeated enough gets materialized. A belief is an unconscious repetition of thoughts translated by the body into actions in the form of feelings and emotions. Thoughts, emotion, and the body work together as one unit. They cannot be separated arbitrarily.

Emotions are usually felt in the center of body, the core of our being. We don’t feel emotions in our head nor in our toes. Emotions carry weight and so they are heavy as such, not in terms of physical weight but spiritual energetic weight and weight is carried by trunk where the center of gravity lies.

Feelings and emotions carry a charge that can stimulate genes through electromagnetic energy and hormones. Hormones that mediate emotions such as stress hormones, sex hormones, thyroid hormones have direct access to genes in the nucleus of a cell through receptors on membrane of nucleus. Other hormones such as insulin do not have direct access to the nucleus, they only have surface membrane receptors.

Feelings have frequencies. Each feeling has a unique wavelength. This is physics. The physics of feelings is the future of medicine. The future of medicine is in physics, not in chemistry. We have been dabbling with chemicals for a long time and now we know that chemical medicine doesn’t work very well, plus they are riddled with dangerous side effects.

Feeling is the medium by which thoughts in mind are expressed by body. The more you think about something, the more likely it is that you will feel in your body. Your body is a reflection of your repeated thoughts. If you keep thinking that you are sick, then your body, after some time, is going to reflect those thoughts by switching on the faulty genes that make deranged proteins to carry out orders of negative thoughts. If you carry thoughts of anger then genes that make proteins to stimulate the sympathetic nervous system gets turned on, producing number of hormones and neuropeptides that stimulate heart rate, blood pressure, increase in temperature and sweating, increase in muscle and voice tone, all of which portrays emotion of anger. Pay attention to your feelings and stop entertaining those thoughts that make you feel bad.

Feelings are myriad and countless, but they can be grouped under three basic categories: instinct, intellect, and intuition. These are the three bodies of emotions that corresponds to past, present, and future; unconscious, conscious, and superconscious; deep-sleep, waking, and dreaming consciousness respectively.

  • Instinct: Past, Unconscious, Deep sleep
  • Intellect: Present, Conscious, Waking consciousness
  • Intuition: Future, Superconscious, Dreaming Consciousness

In terms of brain function, instinct comes from the lower reptilian brain that works automatically and unconsciously, intellect comes from the higher cortical function of thinking, and intuition comes from the midbrain, the mammalian emotional center. In terms of the body as a whole, intellect comes from the top, the brain which is concerned with task at hand; instinct comes from the bottom, the gut which is concerned with past memory, survival and sex. Intuition comes from the middle, the heart that connects us with future information.

Instinct comes from the body, intellect from the mind, and intuition through emotion. Emotion is energy-in-motion that transcends reasoning, that’s the mystery.

How to Use Emotions to Cure Diseases

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